Our BIGGEST Clean Water Project to Date!


We’ve just been in the Philippines for 2 weeks completing our biggest clean water project! Over 3 separate locations spread across all kinds of different environments. We implemented 645 filters, impacting 17,530 individuals Providing much-needed clean water access.


Our first stop was Palawan, Philippines, an amazing part of the world, whilst this area does look like paradise, the reality is quite different on the island villages. 

The current water source is riddled with water-borne diseases mostly from mosquitoes and bugs.

Within this area, we visited three different villages, firstly educating the importance of hygiene & sanitation. Followed by our filter demonstration and group assembly, 

implementing 115 filters, providing 3,270 individuals with access to clean water for the very first time!


 For location two, we headed to the island of Siargao.

This island along with other islands in the Philippines was severely impacted by a devastating typhoon that hit in December.
Sadly the destruction impacted their water quality even more than before, the area of Dapa were in desperate need of water filters. We implemented 210 filters providing 5260 people with access to clean water!
Next we head to location three, a 2 and half-hour drive north from the hustle and bustle of the city of Manila to a place called Pampanga. This was our biggest filter implementation, implementing 320 filters, impacting 9,000 individuals. These filters in particular will have a huge impact not only on the heath but their wealth. Access to mineral water is available however locals are having to live on rations as they cannot afford this water. The water from their taps is heavily polluted and contaminated, all educated and aware that they are not able to drink this water at all, until now.

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